
2010 Improv Iowa Fest: A Recap

iif-flyer-bw-794x1024“Good Grief”, as Charlie Brown would say. It’s been over a month and you are just NOW getting around to providing a “recap” of the 2010 Iowa Improv Festival?

Sorry about that. I’ve been busy moving to another apartment! It was hot! I was hungry!

Yes, the 2010 Iowa Improv Festival was an absolute blast. Not only did we get to perform with the fun UofI kids of Paperbck Rhino, but Des Moines’ entertaining Comedy XPeriment (who put the entire schtick together) and 88 Improv out of Omaha. Out of Omaha! How’s THAT for dedication to one’s art?

It started Friday (July 9th) with a BBQ hosted by Comedy XPeriment, which I was unable to attend. Agent Steakums apparently had a fine time, as he recalled the pre-show gathering really helped him feel at ease.

88 Improv and Comics In Action performed the first show at 6pm. We kicked-off the show with our usual sketches: Shopping Spree, Interrogation and the crowd-favorite, Sexist Bastard. Apparently, nobody had ever seen our version of “Sexist Bastard” and they all completely enjoyed it. Make me feel proud. 88 Improv followed-up with their mix of short and long-form improvisation. It’s been a month since the show and now I feel terrible: I don’t remember anything from their show. Nothing. What kind of improv-artist am I? A terrible one, that’s for sure.

Paperback Rhino started the 2nd show at 8pm with another mix of long and short-form improvisational comedy. They finished their turn with a 25 minute “Herald” that left the audience busting-a-gut. Again: the show was a blur. All I recall is clapping frantically after the show. Comedy XPeriment finished the evening with what can only be described as: 40 minutes of “Master De-Tassler.” It was stunning, to say the least. They asked for a summer job and received “De-Tasseling” as the reply. What followed was an epic display of Good vs. Evil, as Master De-Tassler (and his inadequate minions) attempted to de-tassle, untassle, and untangle the world. I’m not sure why “untangling” is an evil effort, but for some reason it was. Hey, it’s comedy. I’ll buy it.

Look, Grandpa's tryin' to make it across the street again!
Look, Grandpa’s tryin’ to make it across the street again!

We all went into a near-hour length “free-for-all” immediately after the two shows. Talk about an improv Jam! I was exhausted, and I didn’t perform that often during the final “Herald”. The final show consisted of: an elderly gentleman attempting to cross the street, a vacationing family trying to reduce their number of offspring through Gladiator-style battles, and the on-going battle-of-the-sexes with each sending spies into the opposing camps. It was awesome.

Much thanks goes out to Sarah Noll-Wilson of Comedy XPeriment for organizing the event. She was a fine host. We felt very welcome.


  1. 40 Minutes of “Master De-Tasseler”
  2. Look, Grandpa’s tryin’ to make it across the street again!
  3. We’re downsizing the family: One of you kids is gonna have to go…here’s your swords and shield.
  4. Look. I’m sorry, but this charade has gone on long enough: I’m not a girl.
  5. Yes! Cuz’ he’s a VETERINARIAN!
  6. Hmmm…this chair’s a boy.

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