
The Rocky Horror Picture Show 40th Anniversary: Post Show Breakdown

2015 Rocky Horror Picture Show
2015 Rocky Horror Picture Show

Good LORD! What a weekend. 🙂

First, allow us to extend our collective “Thank You so VERY Much!” to the entire staff at The Englert Theatre: Jessica, Sarah S., Aly, Claire … All of you were exceptionally fantastic to work with. Honest. 🙂

So, this year being the 40th Anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, we thought it prudent (earlier in the year) to try two midnight film screenings. With this being the 7th year we (Comics In Action) have been hosting the show… it just made good sense. Most notably by the fact it was a Halloween weekend. We would do the first midnight show on Friday… culminating in a 2nd screening on Saturday (Halloween).. but, with a little more “oomf!”

The biggest separation between the two screenings, was the Costume Contest the night of the 2nd screening on Saturday night. The Costume Contest was simple: Best of the Best. Originally for “Rocky Horror” cast, but later opened-up (as we did not have enough RHPS costumer’s that night) to simply ‘really good’ costumes. We asked the audience… they responded… we went with it. 🙂 First Place would earn the T-Shirt: “I Lost My Virginity at the Rocky Horror Picture Show 40th Anniversary and all I got was this Lousy T-Shirt”… not to mention a dozen Hurtz Donuts. 🙂 While 2nd and 3rd Place would get a 1/2 dozen box of Hurtz Donuts. Forget the T-Shirt… the boxes of Hurtz Donuts were the best prizes of them all. 🙂

After the contest, Ken and I took the stage to do what is a traditional Rocky Horror staple: Sacrifice RHPS virgins… those that have not seen the film before.

Following that… we introduce the film and simply sit-back and enjoy. 🙂
