
6th Annual Zombie March: Panic In Action

Zombies Hit the Pentacrest :: Credit: Todd Adamson
Zombies Hit the Pentacrest :: Credit: Todd Adamson

Comics In Action (along with 200+ like-minded zombies) assisted Sean Beatty of in raising nearly $1000 for the local charities, Red Shamrock Foundation and Iowa City Hospice Care.

I had been chatting with Sean for several months trying to figure-out HOW Comics In Action could help. We spun the concept of us “preceding” the actual march… keeping a watchful eye on the incoming Zombie Horde as they stumbled their way from Happy Hollow Park to downtown Iowa City. Afterwards, we would all gather at the Yacht Club and do a brief improv set.

The afternoon went very well, as zombies from all manner of make and type shuffled their way through the streets of Iowa City. Some zombies were of the “28 Days Later” variety; able to walk quite quickly with much intensity. Others, were of the “Day of The Dead” style… shuffling, lurching in uncontrollable fits. The make-up was incredibly varied. For some, it was recessed eye-sockets with smokey-eyed makeup. For others, it was specialized contacts, peeling skin and wedding gowns. Either way, there was fake blood EVERYWHERE. 🙂

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