You Really Should Have Been There!
Ladies and gentlemen! Reptiles and Crocodiles! I stand before you and sit behind you to tell you something that I no nothing about! There will be a meeting tonight, just before breakfast, to decide which color to white-wash the church. There is no admission. Just, pay at the door. There shall be plenty of seats, so be sure to sit on the floor.
Yes, you missed one heck of a show at Cranky Hank’s Pizza last Friday night. 🙂 I am not ashamed to admit it. For those that were unable to attend… shame on you! Cuz’ it was a RIOT! We “broke out” a game we’ve only been rehearsing for several years and FINALLY decided to break-it-out on Friday: Sound Effects!… and it was awesome! See the video clip below.
Much of the kudos go to Agent Freckles (our newest Agent) and Agent I.O.U (K. Michael Moore)! Collectively, we can’t thank the two of you enough for your performances. You guys were fantastic! And that’s not putting it lightly.
Agent Danuuc put together a short clip of Agent Butters playing the game “Sound FX” from the show… and I will leave it here for your collective enjoyment.