Comics In Action Live at Cranky Hank’s Pizza in HD 3D!
Come on down to Cranky Hanks Pizza for our Post-Halloween, Pre-Thanksgiving, Post-Labor Day, Pre-Christmas, November Fourth-A-Thon and Extravaganza!!!!! See all your favorite Agents: Agent Danuuc, Agent Freckles, Agent Butters, Agent Collateral Damage and possibly Agent’s Sapien and I.O.U! We’ll be dropping a “comedic bomb” on y’all. BE THERE! 🙂
As usual, there is NO COVER for this show. We exist ONLY on your donations-to-the-improv-comedy-cause! Bring your friends! Bring your enemies! Do what you can, but just BE THERE!
Show starts at 8PM and will end close to 10PM. Cranky Hank’s Pizza is located just underneath Younkers in Lindale Mall just between Cedar Rapids and Marion, IA. Don’t Miss It!