The Aftermath of The Rocky Horror Picture Show

We apologize for taking SO long to upload pictures from this year’s “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” at The Englert Theatre here in Iowa City. I spoke with Agent Steakums, who presided over the frivolity, a couple days ago and he STILL hadn’t recovered. 🙂
I’ve run into several people over this last week and the reviews have been ecstatic; They LOVED it! From the couple who arrived as the semi-clothed “Brad and Janet”, to the many scantily-clad “Magenta’s” at this year’s festivities, it seems that everyone had an absolute blast.
Kudos go out to Mehmed Diken and Bryan Humphrey, of Foggy Lens Photography, for providing the “behind the scenes” snapshots from the event. In addition, we are looking forward to what Annah Vollstedt was able to shoot on her manual SLR. There’s nothing like a fine print on fiber… if you know what I mean?
What else is there to say? Hope to see you next year. Now, onto the pictures:
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