“Excuses” : The Rickshaw Conundrum
Since the introduction of the game, “Excuses”, to our repertoire less than a year ago, the improv game has quickly become one of our favorites. Yet, we honestly don’t know why this fits so well with our demeanor. Is it because it takes advantage of Agent Collateral Damage’s ability to talk off-the-top-of-his-head? Is it because Agent Rutabega and Butters love to pantomime? Is it because it gives Agent Danuuc the chance to yell at Agent Collateral Damage without hurting his feelings? Who knows.
This clips was shot February 11th, 2011 at our ‘Anti-Valentine’s Day” show at Cranky Hank’s Pizza. It is a grand example of how funny this sketch can be.
Agent Collateral Damage must decipher Agent Danuuc’s clues, as Agent Butters and Rutabega mime that fact that CD is late to assist as pall-bearer for the Pope’s funeral, due to the fact that CD just had his 66 1/2th vasectomy… barely making back in time by hiring Michael Jackson to haul him back in a rickshaw.